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Cosmetic Dermatology appointments can be scheduled with Dr. Thanh-Nga Tran in our Milford or Framingham Offices.  All Laser treatments are performed in our Milford Location. Please call our offices today to schedule a consultation!

Laser Treatments

VBeam Pulse Dye Laser

The VBeam pulse dye laser is used to treat a variety of vascular or red lesions, such as cherry angiomas, â€‹telangiectasia, and scars.  It is a safe and effective treatment option that uses an intense, but gentle burst of light into a selected area.  Number of treatments can vary due to size and condition and may range from 1 to 5 treatments total.


Alex II QSwitch Pigmented Lesions Laser

The Alex II QSwitch laser can be used for removal of pigmented lesions, such as solar lentigenes, sebhorreic keratoses, and tattoo removal.  It is a safe and effective treatment option that uses a rapid firing that breaks up the pigment.  Number of treatments may vary depending on the condition and skin type.


GentleLASE Hair Removal Laser

The GentleLASE is a safe and effective way to remove any unwanted hair.  Most areas will require more than one treatment, but results should show slowly after the first treatment.  Preparations include shaving the area of interest before the appointment.  The laser procedure cannot be performed on unshaved hair.  


For all laser procedures, the results may vary depending on the condition and the number of treatment required for clearance. Everyone's skin is unique and different issues require a varied number of treatments.

Botox and Fillers

Botox® and Dysport®

Botox® and Dysport® are injectables used to correct crows feet, dimpled chins, neck bands, lip lines, and forehead lines.  They are neuromoldulators that prevent the nerves from stimulating and contracting muscles that cause expression lines. Relaxing these muscles softens the wrinkles on the overlying skin.  Improvement can be seen within a few days and typically lasts from 3 to 6 months.


Restylane Silk®

Restylane Silk® is an easy injectable filler used for lip enhancement and to correct lines around the mouth.  Restaylne® contains hyaluronic acid, which is a natural element found in the connective skin tissue. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment that does not require downtime. Restylane Silk® is the only FDA approved dermal filler for lip enhancements.


Restylane Lift®

Restylane Lift® is an easy injectable filler used for the nasal labial fold and cheeks to provide lift to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Restaylne® contains hyaluronic acid, which is a natural element found in the connective skin tissue.  It is a safe, highly effective, nonsurgical facial filler that addresses the signs of aging.  

All proceeds from laser treatment are donated to the Vietnam Vascular Anomalies Clinic.  Please go to their website at for more information!

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11 Apex Dr, Marlborough, MA 01752


1 Maple St, Milford, MA 01757


24 Julio Dr, Shrewsbury, MA 01545


125 Newbury St, Framingham, MA 01701

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